Who is Sunshine Harmony Chorus?
Sunshine Harmony will provide an entertaining musical program for your organization complete with humor, audience participation and a variety of musical selections from many genres of music, a cappella style.

Visit us anytime!
All our rehearsals are open to visitors and potential members, so pay us a visit!
We rehearse Monday evenings at 5:30 pm, at Lake Deaton United Methodist Church
6500 Wesleyan Way, Wildwood, FL 34785

Latest News
Sunshine Harmony Chorus placed in the top 20 of all choruses at the International Competition ... Read more
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Want Sunshine Harmony Chorus to sing at your next function?
Hire Sunshine Harmony Chorus to entertain at your next event! We perform at corporate functions, charity events, community events, club meetings, luncheons, and parties. We provide a complete entertainment packge including music, humor, and even audience participation! Let us help to make your event special!